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Phua KY

My Bot-Building Journey: Automating Life, One Bot at a Time

Over the past few weeks, I’ve immersed myself in the world of bot creation. My mission? To automate every aspect of my life. This passion extends beyond my personal needs; whenever friends or family mention a problem that I believe could be solved with a bot, I eagerly take on the challenge.

My tool of choice has been Cursor, which I’ve been using for a while. Last month, I discovered its composer function with Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and it’s been a game-changer. The speed at which I can now build bots is incredible. I’ve even incorporated voice commands into my coding process, allowing me to easily share my thoughts and problems with AI, which then helps me solve them.

My love for building bots has grown so much that I’ve created a dedicated list to track my creations, both completed and planned. You can check it out here:

Some of my most successful projects have been in Twitter DM automation and scheduling. While navigating the API aspects has been challenging due to account limitations, I’ve managed to work around these obstacles using Selenium.

This journey has not only improved my coding skills but has also shown me the immense potential of AI and automation in solving everyday problems. I’m excited to continue exploring this field and see what other innovative solutions I can create.

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Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.